Nuvole bianche (English translation)

Nuvole bianche (English translation)

Italian (Southern Italian dialects)

Nuvole bianche

Sine lassala turmire
iddhra moi nu ppo capire
none tie nu nni parlare
ca nu ssente cchiui 'stu core
ientu puru tie nu ddire
iddhra moi nu ppo capire
torme torme e nu bbole
nu nni piace cchiui 'stu core
quattru ienti e ieu su sula
note mie senza furtuna
lassala turmire ancora
lassala cu mmore mprima
st'anima senza l'amore
none tie nu nni lu tare
turse tiempu nu parlare
passa tiempu e nu nni tire
Tantu tie sai
quiddru ca ulìa
cu succede a nui
cu te sentu 'ncora qquai
sulu se uei
nina se nci stai
cu ttuerni cu mie
E tie se uei lu core miu stae qquai
basta cu cchiuti l'ecchi e poi
iti lu ttruei
cantu e pensu te paru a tie
suspiri e lacrime
ieu l'amore nu ttegnu cchiui
eri tie lu miu bene
Ientu lassame 'mpaccire
iddhra prima o poi 'a turnare
lassame suffrire sula
lassame cu scerru 'mprima
l'anima te mie nde ole
none tie lassala fare
passa tiempu e nu nni tire
'ola tie nu te fermare
sula sula aggiu restare
lassa cu ddenta nu sule
iou allu sule a' rimanire
'ola tie nu te fermare
iddhra nu mme pote amare
passa tiempu e nu parlare
passa tiempu e nu nni tire
Tantu tie sai
quiddhru ca ulìa
u succede a nnui
cu tte sentu 'ncora qquai
sulu se uei
nina se nci stai
cu ttuerni cu mie
e tie se uei cu tuerni rretu sai
basta cu cchiuti l'ecchi e poi
iti me ttruei
Cantu e pensu te paru a ttie
suspiri e lacrime
ieu l'amore nu ttegnu cchiui
eri tie lu miu bene
Cantu e pensu te paru a ttie
suspiri e lacrime
ieu l'amore nu ttegnu cchiui
eri tie lu miu bene
Submitted by cinthia1 on Sat, 21/01/2012 - 14:27
Last edited by Hampsicora on Tue, 14/08/2018 - 14:42

Align paragraphs
English translation

White Clouds

Versions: #1#2
It's alright let her sleep
She can't understand now
No, you don't speak to her
Because she doesn't feel this heart anymore
Wind, neither you to tell
No, you don't speak to her
She can't understand now
(She) Sleeps, sleeps and don't want to
She doesn't like this heart anymore
Four winds and I'm alone
My notes without fortune
Let her still sleep
Let her die first
This soul without love.
No, you can't help her
Let time goes on and don't speak
Time goes on and don't say nothing
So you know it
What she wanted
What happened to us
What I still feel here
Just if you want,
No, if you can,
Come back to me.
And if you want my heart to be here
just close your eyes and then,
I see you find it.
I sing and think jointly to you.
Sighs and tears,
I haven't got love anymore.
You were my love.
Wind, let me lose my mind,
She must come back sooner or later.
Let me suffer alone.
Let me forget first.
My soul goes where it wants.
Let it do it.
Time goes by and we don't see each other.
Now you don't stop,
I must stay alone, alone.
Let the sun enter,
I must stay under the sun.
Now you don't stop,
she can't love me.
Time goes by and don't speak
Time goes on and don't speak
So you know it
What she wanted
What happened to us
What I still feel here
Just if you want,
No, if you can,
Come back to me.
And if you want to come back, you know,
just close your eyes and then,
you'll see you'll find me.
I sing and think jointly to you.
Sighs and tears,
I haven't got love anymore.
You were my love.
I sing and think jointly to you.
Sighs and tears,
I haven't got love anymore.
You were my love.
Submitted by Plexiglas on Thu, 22/03/2012 - 15:49
Added in reply to request by Natalieboyd
Author's comments:
Lyrics are written in an italian dialect only spoken in Lecce, south-east of Italy.

See also

Jennifer Vallot     Sat, 09/09/2017 - 00:53

Corrections: at first question mark: 1) " turse tiempu nu parlare/passa tiempu e nu nni tire/" is correct.
2) after "none tie lassala fare" insert "passa tiempu e nu me ole" then continue with "passa tiempu e nu nni tire"
3)at second question mark "iou allu scuru a rimanire"
Hope that helps.


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